
The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals(62)

Every one recognizesthe vicious appearance which the drawing back of the ears gives to a horse.This movement is very different from that of listening to a sound behind.If an ill-tempered Microsoft word is so great!

horse in a stall is inclined to kick backwards, his earsare retracted from habit, though he has no intention or power to bite.But when a horse throws up both hind-legs in play, as when enteringan Office 2007 makes life great!

open field, or when just touched by the whip, he does not generallydepress his ears, for he does not then feel vicious.  Guanacoes fightsavagely with their teeth; and they must do so frequently, for I foundthe hides of several which I shot in Patagonia deeply scored.  So do camels;and both Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

these animals, when savage, draw their ears closely backwards.Guanacoes, as I have noticed, when not intending to bite, but merely to spittheir offensive saliva from a distance at an intruder, retract their ears.Even the hippopotamus, when threatening with its widely-open enormousmouth a comrade, draws back its small ears, just like a horse.Now what a contrast is presented between the foregoing animalsand cattle, sheep, or goats, which never use their teeth in fighting,and never draw back their ears when enraged!  Office 2010 is powerful!

Although sheep and goatsappear such placid animals, the males often join in furious contests.As deer form a closely related family, and as I did not know that theyever fought with their teeth, I Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.

was much surprised at the account givenby Major Ross King of the Moose-deer in Canada.  He says, when "two maleschance to meet, laying back their ears and gnashing their teeth together,they rush at each other with appalling fury."[33] But Mr. Bartlettinforms me that some species of deer fight savagely with their teeth,so that the drawing back of the ears by the moose accords with our Microsoft Office is so great!

rule.Several kinds of kangaroos, kept in the Zoological Gardens, fight byscratching with their fore-feet and by kicking with their hind-legs;but they never bite each other, and the keepers have never seenthem draw back their ears when angered.  Office 2010 key is for you now!

Rabbits fight chieflyby kicking and scratching, but they likewise bite each other;and I have known one to bite off half the tail of its antagonist.At the commencement of their battles they lay back their ears,but afterwards, as they bound over and kick each other, they keeptheir ears erect, or Office 2010 download is available now!

move them much about.[33] `The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada,' 1866, p.  53.  p.  53.{sic}Mr. Bartlett watched a wild boar quarrelling rather savagely with his sow;and both had their mouths open and their ears drawn backwards.But this does not appear to be a common action with domestic pigswhen quarrelling.  Boars fight together by striking upwards with their Microsoft outlook is many people’s favourite.

tusks;and Mr. Bartlett doubts whether they then draw back their ears.Elephants, which in like manner fight with their tusks, do not retracttheir ears, but, on the contrary, erect them when Windows 7 make life wonderful!

rushing at each otheror at an enemy.The rhinoceroses in the Zoological Gardens fight with their nasal horns,and have never been seen to attempt biting each other except in play;and the keepers are convinced that they do not draw back their ears,like horses and dogs, when feeling savage.  Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

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