
Where the Rattlers and Scorpions Play

Just a few miles from Texas on the Mexican side of the border teams of drug cartel enforcers are being trained. These are not simply bands of

local thugs. They are carefully recruited, well-motivated, mercenary killers.Microsoft outlook is convenient!

The especially interesting fact about these gunmen is that beside Mexicans they include other Outlook 2010 is powerful.

Latin Americans as well as some young North

American "gringos." This information from several captured dealers, and confirmed by U.S. sources, comes from a report of the Mexican

Attorney General.

The various U.S. government agencies involved in anti-drug and anti-terrorism operations have taken particular note of this recruitment and Microsoft Office is so great!

training program. While much of the training has gone on in nearby Mexican states along the border, there have been reports of similar

activity many hundreds of miles away in the interior of Mexico.Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Mexican army units had to go into Juarez recently to flush out the powerful gangs that have taken over this city just across the border from Choose Office 2007 Professional is the most lucky thing in the world.

El Paso. Mexican authorities have limited ability to interdict the paramilitary training operations in their states abutting Texas any more

than control the cartels' dominance of the border towns themselves.Office 2010 is my favorite.

The hills and ravines of the region act, as they always have, as excellent covert sites for criminal gangs as well as pseudo-revolutionaries.

Now many of these remote encampments work well as training grounds for drug cartel recruits Office 2007 makes life great!

and gun runners.

The national and ethnic mixture of the trainee mercenaries is a profound problem. So indeed is Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

their eventual role. These armed gangs must

have the ability not only to fight off law enforcement, but they must also have the capability to protect their turf from encroachment by

rivals -- on both sides of the border.

The objective in their training apparently now has been expanded to include use and maintenance of more sophisticated weaponry as well as

disciplined physical endurance. These groups of ten to twelve men, regularly moving on every Windows 7 is convenient and helpful!

other week for security purposes to alternate

sites, operate not unlike similar training cadres of local irregular forces around the world, some of whom indeed have Al Qaeda ties. While Microsoft outlook 2010 is the best.

the similarity is disturbing, Islamic radicals have no monopoly on this sort of regimen.

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