
Huckabee for President Responds

THE HUCKABEE RECORD br> Re: Quin Hillyer's A Tale of Two Candidates : /p>

The October 24, 2007 article by Quin Hillyer, "A Tale of Two Candidates," is a biased and complete distortion of the record of Governor Mike

Huckabee that needs to be addressed.Office 2007 makes life great!

It is indeed disappointing -- but perhaps telling -- that Mr. Hillyer contacted neither the Governor nor the Huckabee for President Campaign

for this article. The resurfacing of these old allegations, which have previously been addressed, and the Governor's surge in recent polling, Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

is also suspect.

Clearly, the facts show that Mr. Hillyer needs to do his homework. The overwhelming majority of ethics complaints filed against Governor Many people like Microsoft Office.

Huckabee in the state of Arkansas were regularly dismissed and / or proven to be frivolous.

It is also important to note that many of these complaints were filed by a member of the Arkansas "media." There was no mention in Mr.

Hillyer's work that these complaints were later dismissed by that same news outlet.Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

The REAL story is that, despite the many attempts, there has never been a finding that Governor Huckabee ever received an illegal gift.


To attack Governor Huckabee's wife, Janet, is the worst kind of journalism. As First Lady of The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

Arkansas, Mrs. Huckabee served with dignity for

many years. She was a leader behind the scenes during natural disasters within the state -- and her support of education and children is

second to none.

With regards to attacking his fiscal record as Governor, what "think-tanks" such as CATO or Club for Growth consistently fail to recognize is

that, regardless of party or politics, governors are responsible for delivering better government and Office 2007 key is available here.

balanced budgets to the people they

represent. What mattered most to the people of Arkansas is results -- not rhetoric -- which is why Mike Huckabee was elected and re-elected

as Governor.

A fair appraisal of Governor Huckabee's record reveals that he is an authentic, consistent conservative whose goal is to reduce both taxes Office 2007 Professional is very good!

and spending when he is President. Here are the facts.

* Regarding his record, Arkansas voters overwhelmingly approved of Mike Huckabee's performance in office. He was elected to a four-year term Office 2007 download is in discount now!

as governor in 1998, after succeeding to office in 1996, attracting the largest percentage of the vote ever received by a Republican

gubernatorial nominee in Arkansas. In 2002, he was re-elected to another four-year term. When he left office earlier this year, his job

approval rating was in the high 60s.

* Without doubt, Mike Huckabee is a fiscal conservative who cut taxes almost 100 times in the state of Arkansas and returned almost $400 Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

million to Arkansas taxpayers, including the first broad-based tax cut in the history of the state.

* He also doubled the standard deduction and the child care tax credit and eliminated the marriage penalty and the capital gains tax on the

sale of a home. He reduced the capital gains tax for businesses and individuals. He indexed the income tax to protect people from paying

higher taxes because of "bracket creep."Microsoft outlook is many people’s favorite.

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