Massachusetts Dreamin'
p>Shales, Dan, Hillary, Evan, Barbara, Teddy, John -- so many fine candidates on our EOW ballot. At the risk of alienating Sunni readers,
let's pick a safe winner and go with the tallest guy in the bunch. For security reasons, we'll not repeat his name. But everyone except maybe Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
Dan knows who he is. Having done the reporting, though, we're confident we can slip his name to Dan so he can dutifully announce it in his
next broadcast from Baghdad. We'll be watching. br> /p> People are naturally reluctant to stigmatize the use of Marxist language by those who Office 2010 is powerful!
would furiously resist the imputation of Marxism, but surely it is a matter of some significance for our intellectual and political life if
those who call themselves -- of all things -- "liberal" are prepared to assume the Marxist world-view as readily as is, say, Senator Ted Office 2007 is so powerful.
Kennedy. His recent attack on George Bush's electoral mandate, denying its existence if and only if it entails the appointment of
"reactionary" judges or the adoption of "reactionary" measures, is pure Marxist-Leninism. To the Marxist, the socialist utopia is an
historical inevitability, and therefore those who oppose it in any way, or try to prevent it from coming about, are merely "reacting" to what
they cannot change and so becoming at best a bit of grit in the gears of the revolutionary machine.Many people use Microsoft Office 2007 to help their work and life.
On this reasoning, even if the "reactionaries" were in the majority as they appeared to be among American voters in 2004, they would still be
not only reactionary but even anti-democratic, since the long term interests of democracy lie with the Revolution. This is why Kennedy denies Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.
Bush a mandate. Even with a majority behind him, the President can never claim a democratic warrant for reactionary policies or appointees,
since democracy is by definition socialist and, to use the current euphemism, "progressive." The "reactionary" is so called because he can Microsoft Office is inexpensive and helpful.
only react negatively, not accomplish anything positively. To the Marxist habit of thought adopted by the Senator there can be nothing
positive but the socialist utopia. Everything else is mere "reaction," an historical nullity. As in so many other ways, the Marxist worldview Office 2010 is my love.
is very far from being extinguished, though its 20th century avatar in the form of the Soviet state has vanished.
Kennedy is actually fairly typical of the more committed sort of academic "liberal" in appearing still to swear by at least one of the
essential props of Marxist thinking, namely the historical inevitability of "progressive" measures. Another, even more common assumption is
of the reducibility of all culture to an account of power relationships. Those whose discussions of Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.
history or literature depend on terms
like "racist," "sexist," "imperialist" and "homophobic" nearly always assume that the world is divided into exploiters and exploited, just as
Marx did. The Leninist question, cui bono?, came into existence precisely in order to render all authority, other than that wielded in the
name of the proletariat -- if not necessarily by the proletariat -- illegitimate. Those who share that Office 2010 is my love.
aim ought, like Senator Kennedy, at
least to be counted as neo-Marxians, even if they disavow the ownership of the means of production and distribution.
Another bit of Marx-speak is the use of the word "fascist" to mean, well, "reactionary" -- or, indeed, anything the speaker doesn't like. Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.
Once again, it was highly ideological thinking back in the heyday of Marxism-Leninism which reasoned that, if anything which did not serve
the Revolution was "fascist" or "reactionary," anyone who was not a communist must therefore be a fascist. That's why the neo-Marxists of
ANSWER and others describe the democratically elected government of their country -- though without an ideology, youth movement, uniforms, Office 2010 is my favorite.
street thugs, or any but the most rudimentary of concentration camps -- as "fascist." One of the anti-Bush balls taking place at the
inauguration was a "Noise Against Fascism" rally at the Black Cat nightclub by Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth, according to the Washington Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.
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